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TechnologyResearcher / Identityserver4-samples
MIT LicenseUpdated -
TechnologyResearcher / SignalR-Samples
MIT LicenseUpdated -
TechnologyResearcher / Newthonsoft-samples
MIT LicenseUpdated -
TechnologyResearcher / Geomancy
MIT LicenseMinecraft mod about earthen magic and manipulating the elements
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TechnologyResearcher / AspNetCoreWindowsAuth
MIT LicenseLocal and Windows Authentication, ASP.NET Core MVC, IdentityServer4
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ASP.NET Core MVC file upload / download with MS SQL Server FileTable
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TechnologyResearcher / AspNetCoreCertificateAuth
MIT LicenseASP.NET Core 3.0 Certificate Authentication Self Signed and Chained
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Security with ASP.NET Core, SignalR and Angular
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TechnologyResearcher / AspNetCoreLocalization
MIT LicenseLocalization.SqlLocalizer & ASP.NET Core MVC Localization Examples
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